Friday, June 12, 2009

We got a lotta drinkin' to do!!

Hits and beer...that's why I'm here.

Like Mark Twain said.."reports of my death are greatly exaggerated."

Team Hoffy is making a bid toward an unprecedented 5th straight QML title with an 11-0 start. It hasn't been easy, but El Hoffy has done it with an interesting mix of salty veterans (Glenny, Stevie, Harper, JD), new blood (Franklin, Joe C., Joey Butts, Mark) and returning icons (Polanco).

I'm working on getting updated stats posted. The only problem is the piss poor book keeping in the games I missed. Apparently no one on the team paid attention during the "for those of you scoring at home" moments from Ned Martin and Bob Montgomery. I'm not asking for perfection, but at least put down HOW the guy got on base.

Anyway, with that whine off my chest, one stat I noticed on a steady increase is strikeouts. What's more, the 30-pack donations are coming from names like T-Frat and The Game. For those of you who still owe the beer, a few pointers:

1. A beer ball counts for 2 strikeouts (provided of course that Solo cups are included)

2. You are not allowed to bring any strikeout beers home with you. (The 'Mark' rule from a couple of years ago)

3. Any chick beer such as Bud Light Lime or Mich Ultra will result in a 2 30-pack penalty. The same penalty goes for any beer that our fathers drank (Schlitz, Moosehead, Ballantine).

Until the next post, remember the words of Van Earl Wright....."Whatever you do. Keep it smooth".

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